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Provisional Registration

In the future we hope, indeed expect that dental schools will set up their own training schemes but until then most clinicians will have to be self taught and we will help them to learn about Biobloc Orthotropics from reading the text books and attending courses given by experienced clinicians. They will pay £100 per year and after a 3 year period they may apply to our exam board for full registration.

Their application will be assessed by an examiner from another country who will principally determine if they are able to achieve over 15 millimetres of forward growth. This we consider to be a basic need for finding room for 32 teeth and avoiding Jaw Joint and helping breathing problems. The examiner will also ask questions about various aspects of treatment to ensure the applicants understand the principals of Biobloc Orthotropics.

Initially they will need to either study the book The Cause and Cure of Malocclusion and/or attend at least one lecture given by a qualified member. You can then apply for provisional membership for a fee of ??? ( a year)???

After three years during which they must have attended at least one more Biobloc course or lecture. Then they can apply for Registered membership, their application must demonstrate with photographs that they have achieved 15mm or more of forward growth on at least two patients.